Friday, October 18, 2013

15 Interesting Facts About Women That You Should Know

Men and women are different with each others in many things, but still they can’t live without each other. Let’s have a look on some funny facts about the ladies.

#15. Eats a lot of Lipsticks

An average woman eats about 2-3 kilos of lipstick in her lifetime.

#14. Women blink more

Women blink more
Women blink about 2 times more often than men. Interesting why?

#13. A woman trust easily who?

A woman will trust more easily somebody who hugs her for about 15 seconds.

#12. Reason of women’s wrinkles

Reason of women’s wrinkles
80% of women’s wrinkles are caused by excessive sunlight.

#11. Women tie the belt higher

women tie belt higher
Women usually tie the belt of a dressing gown higher than their belly b*tton, while men tie it lower.

#10. Women do not like free hands

Women like something in their hand
A woman doesn’t like when her hands are free, this is why she is likely to carry with her a hand bag, gloves, book or…anything…

#9. Ada Lovelace – First Computer programmer

Woman Using Computer
The first computer programmer was a woman. Her name is Ada Lovelace.

#8. Spends more time looking in the mirror

Woman looking in mirror
According to researches, average woman spends about 120 hours a year looking at herself in the mirror, which is approximately 5 days a year!

#7. Women don’t feel like sleeping

After making love
After making love, women don’t feel like sleeping. They feel like talking and kissing.

#6. Women have Flexible Neck

Women have Flexible Neck
While turning to the call, a woman usually just turns her head, while a man will turn his entire body. It’s because women have more flexible neck.

#5. Worried while making love

women worry while making love
While making love, a woman worries if she looks pretty.

#4. Ladies close their ears

Women close their ears with fingers
Ladies close their ears with fingers, men – with hands.

#3. Women look for our sunglasses

Women look for sunglasses
Women look for our sunglasses when they are on top of their head.

#2. Man reads her desires in her eyes

Man reading woman eyes
A woman prefers that her man reads her desires in her eyes…this is why communication between the two genders often gets complicated.

#1. Women always dress up nicely

Women dress up nicely
Women always dress up nicely and apply makeup to go grocery shopping, empty the garbage or, even, in order to answer the phone.
Source: Amazing Beautiful World
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