Big Brother Africa – The Chase winner Dillish Matthews has made Nigeria her second home, travelling in and out of the West African country for the past few weeks. And she’s finally met up with her ‘lover’ Mevlin Oduah.
The pair met up in Abuja last night at an Acoustic Night event held at Blue Velvet Marquee. And they looked beautiful together.
In related news, the Edo State Government has denied hosting Dillish days after the BBA star paid the state and Governor Adams Oshiomole a ‘courtesy visit’.
The report stated that ‘the likes of Governors Oshiomhole, Fashola and Dickson who are in the habit of dipping their hands into public funds on such ventures should have known that in civilized climes, such celebrations were funded from the Governors’pockets and not public funds‘.
‘How libelous! From the above, it is obvious that Mr. Eddie Iroh is suffering from brain wave. First, it would have been a thing of interest for Edo State Government to host the said BBA winner, Dillish, to justify her well-advertised declaration in the BBA House that Edo State people are very hospitable. That in itself was a global endorsement that is purely priceless. Again, if Dillish would agree, as a BBA ambassador, Edo State Government would be willing to host her in future to prove to cynics and naysayers like Eddie Iroh that Edo State is indeed, not only hospitable, but also a safe haven for those who intend to do legitimate business in the State‘, part of the statement signed by Prince Kassim Afegbu, Special Adviser Media and Public Affairs To The Edo State Governor said.
‘To the best of our knowledge, Edo State did not host Dillish in whatever material particular. This could be verified from the Governor’s daily routines which are usually available for public consumption and can be confirmed from the Protocol Department of the Governor’s Office or Government House‘, the statement continued.
Sources say Oshiomole personally hosted Dillish, with some insisting she wasn’t hosted in the Government house but at the Governor’s private lodge.

Source: THE NET NG
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