Thursday, November 28, 2013

President's Brother Jailed For Raping His 4-Year-Old Daughter

In a very shocking incident, the paedophile brother of Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams has been jailed 16 years for raping his daughter.
58-year-old Liam Adams was found guilty last month of a string of vile séxual assaults on his child Aine Dahlstrom when she was aged between four and nine in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

The daughter, now 40, wiped tears from her eyes as she watched her father being sentenced.
Liam Adams, from Bernagh Drive, was found guilty of 10 offences against his daughter - three counts of rape, four of indecent assault and three of gross indecency.
During a first trial earlier this year, which collapsed, the Sinn Fein president, now a public representative in the Irish Republic, claimed he first heard of the séx abuse claims in 1987 and, 13 years later, his younger brother admitted his guilt to him while the pair were walking in the rain.

Included in the list of Liam Adams convictions was an incident in May 1978 when he raped and further séxually abused his daughter when her mother was in hospital giving birth to her younger brother.
Adams reportedly warned his daughter that if she told on him he would be sent to jail.
Source: Dailymail
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1 comment:

  1. y cnt men keep their pants close hw culd he do tht to his own child i hpe this man dnt slip at bcos of wat he did


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