Wednesday, December 11, 2013

4 Reasons Why Jehovah's Witnesses Are The Only True Followers Of Christ

You wont believe the reasons why the writer of this post gave to support that Jehovah's witnesses are the only true followers of Christ

1. Jesus instructed his followers to preach the gospel--> Unlike other churches who only broadcast on TV or have their members go in packs, on the streets distributing church invites, Jehovah's witnesses are the only group of Christians who still patiently go from house to house teaching people

2. Celebration of pagan holidays- christ's date of birth is not recorded in the bible, and he never instructed that we help him celebrate it, amongst many other pagan holidays.. And Jehovah's witnesses are he only people who don't celebrate these pagan holidays.
3. Non-request or tithe- Jehovah's witnesses don't ask their members for tithe, instead they donate undisclosed amount out of freewill.

4. Non-segregation of members- unlike most churches where the big men sit on comfy chairs while ordinary members sit on plastic chairs or where titles such as most. reverend, senior pastor, his holiness, and many others.. Jehovah's witnesses either address each other by name or add theprefix brother or sister.

Do you agree with the writer? 
See Why My Boyfriend Left Me for Another Girl==>>
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  1. First of all these people do not do half the stuff the bible say so they are some to preath en one thing the bible say is that u may not juge so please practes what u preact or stop preacting

  2. How dare u say that!! So its ok for me to say u Jeovah witness repent or u will go to hell.

  3. Who r u 2 plc a certain group of ppl above others??...u only c da actions displayed by em n nt da internal stuff. Meet each n every1 on earth n then cum n write da correct thng


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