Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Bitter Truth About Blessed Virgin Mary Do You Agree?

People kept saying that, 'Catholics are worshipping Virgin Mary,' but I wants to prove them wrong. 
* Firstly, we 'Catholics' are not worshipping Virgin mary, but instead, honouring her....
* Secondly, the holy bible made us to know in Luke 1:26-31 that the Arch-angel Gabriel visited Virgin Mary and greeted her saying, "you are full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women and blessed in the fruit of your worm, Jesus." Please, which woman again in this world can an Angel greet with such respect. Angel Gabriel honoured Mary, because He delivered the message from GOD. so who are you not to honour her? Are you greater than an Angel of GOD? 

* Can Jesus Christ dwell in an unholy body? No ofcourse! She(Mary) is the only woman whom GOD has choosen. 
* In Revelation 12:1-18, there was a woman who was clothed by the Sun, the moon under her feet and twelve star as a crown. She was about to deliver a Son and the pain at child birth made her cry. There appeared a dragon, who wanted to kill her, but fail. At that time the Archangel Michael fought the dragon and defeat the it. What I wanted to bring out here is that during the birth of Jesus Christ. King Herod wanted to kill Jesus by killing all the children atleast 2yrs, thinking He kill Jesus, but He failed. 
* Last, but not the least. Blessed Virgin Mary was Clothed by the Sun, the moon as foot-mat and 12 stars as crown. Waoh! That's great! Anybody that condems Catholics by saying we are worshipping Mary is so jealous, because no woman in that person's generations or generations to come, even grand, great, great-great-great-great-great-great-grand mother of that person combined together is as great as Blessed Virgin Mary. 

We 'Catholics.' Our doctrines lies on mysterious teachings.' where ignorance, fools, pharisees and sadducees people can never understand. JESUS CHRIST teaches in parable, even His diciple couldn't understand Him, unless He explains it like ABC. So that is how Catholics are. You will keep on condemning Catholics until you know their mysterious teachings, then you will understand clearly. Thanks.

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    painstakingly Tell me
    anywhere in the bible
    that Jesus says we
    should pray to him in
    Mary's name... "I've
    being given a name
    above all names that in
    the name of Jesus [not
    Mary] every knee shall
    bow and every tongue
    shall confess that Jesus
    Is Lord". If you see a
    Demon, try say "Holy
    Mary pray for me" if the
    Demon won't tear you
    to pieces... John and
    Peter when they healed
    the cripple at the gate
    called beautiful (Act 3),
    they never Mentioned
    Holy Mary pray for us...
    All they say Is "in the
    name of Jesus, Rise up
    and walk. Jesus said
    further I am the WAY,
    the truth and life no
    Man cometh to the
    father except through
    me (John 14:6).... There
    is no Verse in the bible
    that supports praying in
    Mary's or any Saint's
    name, if there is, Show
    me. This is a Lie created
    by the devil and is
    agent, because when
    you think a person who
    died for many years and
    probably resting in
    Abrahams bossom we
    help you go meet Jesus
    and tell him your needs
    because you're Sinners...
    Its a Lie! Its not In the
    Bible,.. Instead of
    waiting for Mary to pray
    for you because you're a
    Sinner why cant you
    Simply ask for
    Forgiveness and have
    direct communion with
    Jesus... Jesus called us
    friends in (John15:14-15)
    and if Jesus could call us
    friend because we're
    doing his will why won't
    we be able to talk
    DIRECTLY to Our loyal
    friend... Yet Catholics
    boast of nearly
    2BILLION followers, this
    is a device of the devil
    to enrich Hell, and
    REMEMBER if the 90% of
    worlds population goes
    to Hell it will Never
    change God's standard..
    REMEMBER paul said In
    the book of Galatians "
    any man who teaches
    you, anything different
    from what Jesus
    taught you Let him be
    ACCURSED". We allowed
    to pray to Jesus by
    looking at him in the
    spirit... But we're so
    dumbfounded by the
    image of the cross and
    represent with God... We
    represented an
    incorupptible God with
    coruptible things of this
    world. And you see
    reverend.father s,
    Popes bowing to a
    wood they called
    blessed crucifees when
    taking the Eucharist or
    communion. They never
    pray with intimacy with
    God Except they hold
    Rosary and read Prayer
    books. This is not to
    offend any person, But
    to give you a change of
    mind, Because this word
    u just read will stand as
    a witness in the
    Judgement day.

  3. In cana in Galilee, Mary interceded for the couples when their wine finish. Even though it was not jet time for Jesus to begins his ministry he honoured his mother and turn water in to wine. If Jesus him self respect Mary who are you to insult her also dont you read a portion in the bible that says behold all generations shall called me blessed for the lord has done great thing for me. Who are the generations that she was refering to. About image of God dont u read a place in the bible that says as Moses lifted up a molten serpent so shall a son of man be lifted up that who so ever believed in him should not perish. Chatholics existed for over 2000 years now they have suffered for christ by converting a lot of souls to him. Who are u to criticise catholic. If dont understand any of thier teaching just consult any of them they will explain it to u. Lastly if u read a portion of bible and dont understand consult them they will make it clare to you because they were the one that gave the bible to the world.


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