Some time in the early 90s, one of my cousins got pregnant while she was in Yaba Tech. From my young eyes, it must have been a very serious issue because my relatives started arriving from Ogbomosho. There were plenty hush-hush meetings but the curiosity of a child should not be underestimated. I remember that one of the issues an older aunt had was the fact that she had reduced her chances of finding a good man to marry her now that she had gotten pregnant. It really struck me as odd because as a young girl, I didn’t understand why having a baby would reduce one’s chances of having a happily-ever-after.
This was a very bold and optimistic move on her part and it was one I admired greatly. However, it gives room to think about the issue of whether you can love the children as your own (if the relationship proceeds beyond just dating). Also there’s also the issue of the dispersion of affection. Does one begin to feel suddenly less loved when one’s lover is showering affection on a child he had before he met you?
On the other side of the spectrum is how guys relate to women who have had children prior to their relationship. I know certain women who have boldly said they would never deny the existence of their children just to be in a relationship. Like my old aunty said, the existence of a child somehow does have an effect on the dating/dating dynamics?
Does having a child scare off guys? Someone said it gives off a signal of the woman’s loose past. For some ladies, they believe that as they grow older, and the dating pool narrows down, they find themselves being approached by men who already have children.
What are your thoughts on this? Would you date and or marry someone who has a child? Is it a deal breaker for you? If it is, please share your concerns. If you’re dating someone who has a child, please share some of your experiences with us. Do you feel threatened by the presence of the child (and his/her mother – if applicable). How do you balance the situation?
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It means nothing after all my girlfriend has a 5yrs old son but we are happily in love