Saturday, December 21, 2013

I Was Disvírgined By A Rapíst – Actress Foluke

Nollywood actress, Foluke Daramola is known by many as the actress who snatched a pastor's husband but it appears there is more to her that many do not know and she's starting a programme titled "Fulfilling Desire" to talk about these and more issues.
Here is what she told a reporter about her sad experience:
You mean you have been a victim of rapé? 
Yes, my first introduction to séx was rapé. I talk about it when I have to. I was deflowered by a rapíst. These are things people don’t talk about.

In my first marriage, I was frigid because of my experience, aside other things. So, "Fulfilling Desire" is about things that are realistic, but which people just sweep under the carpet.
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